Advising FAQs
When scheduling an advising appointment, you should find a CoS advisor for your major by reading the advisor profiles in Success Network
Click here to see each advisor and the majors they advise along with a link to Success Network to schedule your appointment via Navigate.
This message appears if you are attempting to enroll in a class for the third time (all W’s and graded attempts count as an attempt).
FAU only allows two attempts for any class; however, there is a petition process for CoS courses.
A 3rd attempt is not guaranteed, but may be considered. You must complete the 3rd attempt petition form , follow ALL instructions and submit this form using your FAU email address.
Be mindful of the deadlines for submitting the petition each semester.
Click on the course title to review the course prerequisites, corequisites and restrictions.
If the course is from another college, as is the case with many concentration electives under the Health Science major, you must contact the course instructor or appropriate college for permission.
If the course is a CoS course, you can discuss the error message with your advisor or submit the Permit/Unlink Request to see if permission is possible.
The Office of Undergraduate Research & Inquiry offers a great deal of information to assist students in discovering how to find DIR opportunities.
Contact faculty directly, you can review their research by visiting the appropriate departmental website and reading the faculty member’s bio. Read their published articles to familiarize yourself with their research prior to reaching out.
Reach out several months prior to registration as faculty members have limited availability within most labs.
Some majors have a limited number of DIR credits that can be applied toward major electives. Consult with your advisor before applying for any DIR credits.
Consult with your advisor as internships range from 0-4 credits. Your advisor can guide you on the appropriate number of credits to request.
In your Success Network you will find contact information for Kelly Nielsen , the CoS career advisor or email her directly at Contact Kelly for guidance on the approval process for internships.